Five Signs It's Time To Hire A Pressure Washing Company

You want to make sure your Salisbury home is properly pressure washed regularly, but in some instances, you may need to get it done quicker than usual. Some exteriors get dirtier faster, and others need more frequent cleanings if you want them to stay attractive and intact. Keep reading to learn more about the most telling signs that it's time for you to call up a pressure washing company like Chesapeake Maintenance Power Washing LLC to come take care of your property.
Your Neighbors Are Complaining
The way your home looks doesn't just affect you; it can also affect your neighbors. A single unkempt or unwashed home can ruin the entire block's appeal. Your neighbor will most likely bring up issues with how your home is looking if it needs a good pressure washing. In extreme cases, you may get a notice from your local Homeowners Association or township.
You're Noticing New Critters
Bugs and other critters love making their homes in unkempt yards and unattended parts of your property. Are you noticing bug nests and hives in strange places around your property? You can remove them yourself, but it would be a better idea to have your property thoroughly pressure washed to ensure you're removing potential homes for these unwanted guests.
You're Sensing Odd Smells
Dirt, grime, gunk, algae - these are all growths that can accumulate on the exterior of your property. Eventually, they can lead to mold and mildew. While these substances are found outside, their smells can permeate your walls and start to become noticeable to you and your family. When you begin to smell mold or mildew, it's a huge warning sign that there may be deposits around your home's exterior, and you'll want to clean it up sooner rather than later.
Your Gutters Aren't Functioning Properly
Over time, your gutters can become clogged with all kinds of debris, from twigs and leaves to mold and mildew. This can lead to the gutters being unable to function normally by delivering water away from your home's foundation. Instead, you may start to notice your gutters overflowing in certain areas. That is why you should hire a gutter cleaning service to flush them out.
Your Energy Bill Is Higher Than Normal
Believe it or not, failure to pressure wash your home can cause a jump in your energy bills. This is because dirt and grime that cakes onto surfaces around your property can make it difficult for your thermostat to properly regulate temperature. This can lead to significant spikes throughout the year, which will show up on your electric bill. If you're noticing unusual or inconsistent jumps in your recent bill, it may be time for a thorough pressure washing service.

Give Us a Call Today to Schedule Your Local Pressure Washing Services